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Perioral Lines (Smokers Lines) are a tell tale sign of ageing. By placing a soft dermal filler to areas of lost volume, we can soften their appearance, creating a fresher more youthful you! 



Our fillers contains hyaluronic acid, a natural substance that exists within our skin as well as a local anaesthetic to make the treatment more comfortable. A topical numbing cream is also added for double pain relief. 

A variety of fillers are available to suit everyone’s budget and depending on the product and dose chosen, the effects can last up to 6-18 months. 

Results vary from client to client. 

Perioral Rejuventation

Results can be seen immediately and improve over the following weeks. Treatment results last 6 - 18 months depending on chosen filler.

30 - 45 minutes

Topical and Lidocaine anaesthetic within the fillers

Swelling and bruising if any can take 48 hours to 2 weeks to settle.

From £195

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